Friday, 17 June 2011



Mash up | 3 Articles

The host is Oprah Winfrey, and she has been making that difference for millions of viewers. (GAGA)An artist's job is to take a snapshot — be it through words or sound, lyrics or song — that explains what it's like to be alive at that time. Lady Gaga's art captures the period we're in right now. Winfrey's power is that she tells her own. Winfrey saw television's power to blend public and private; (gaga) she is inspiring other artists to go further in their own work. (Ive) Being superficially different is the goal of so many of the products we see . . . rather than trying to innovate and genuinely taking the time, investing the resources and caring enough to try and make something better.

I have chosen to design for Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga.

I find that both women are very influencial in their own field. Both are similar in many ways but at the same time so different. For both Oprah and Lady Gaga I have implemented a delicate yet strong structure that represents the nature of their influence and being. Transparency and boldness are my main concepts for this task; this is because I feel that Oprah gained power and influence by being that friend who understands through revealing who is was on national and soon global talk show and likewise with Lady Gaga. Her influence and power comes from her being who she was called to be, "living out her (my) destiny".

18 Sketch perspectives

I nearly gave up this assignment when I found that I had lost my sketch book and all my pens...I am hoping that my tutor has seen me draw my T shaped perspectives because I can't reproduced them for submission...

Meeting Place | Dining Table

This shot compliments the Waterfall view on one side

This shot compliments the other view of the sunrise

This Dining table was inspired by the Traditional Dining tables of the Japanese. Traditionally the Japanese or the asian cultures sat around a table without chairs.

This rendition of the Japanese dining table is a fusion of the west and the east. For comfort purposes, clients are still able to sit like they're sitting on a chair but the feature itself seems like the traditional sit around dining table.

I choose this furniture to be bold and sturdy in appearance (colour and weight) to contrast the light and delicate surrounds of the bridge. Since it is the meeting place of the two clients it seemed necessary to highlight the location with a bold feature.

Clients' Lift | Oprah Winfrey and Lady GaGa

(Above) Oprah's "Center of attention" Lift

(Above) Lady GaGa's Bird Cage

The two Clients I have choosen to design for are Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga. I find that the two are very similar in the way they impact places where they walk.

For Oprah I designed this lift to portray the "Grand entrance" atmosphere. I felt that Oprah's influence was more built by the way she established herself whilst coming from a difficult childhood. Oprah in my opnion has the ability to influence anyone who sets eyes on her by the way lives. Her life is quite literally never out the spot light. "Center of attention" is what I would call this lift designed for Oprah.

This lift designed for Lady Gaga was also my attempt to portray Lady Gaga's influence in our society. Lady Gaga, although having influence over many she is not herself whilst spreading the influence (this is completely my own opnion). She is almost unrecognisable without all the makeup, costumes and accessories she usually has on. She is defined by her makeup, her costumes and maybe somewhat her music. Although it may seem to you that Lady Gaga is completely bold and free in the way that she almost pioneered this BOLD look, I felt the bird cage design was appropriate in portraying the type of influence Lady Gaga had on today's society; limited and unreal.

(At the same time I feel that Lady Gaga would prefer a funky Bird cage over a typical lif ;) )

Final Images | Crysis

This Bridge consists of few components. Basically it can be broken into 3 pieces. The base (the meeting place), The bridge (made up of transparent panels that array verically to form an arc) and the top (seal).

The purpose of this design is to portray the power of Lady Gaga and Oprah winfrey through the Boldness in design and their influence through intergrity by the transparency of the bridge panels.



Includes: The Bridge, Dining table and the 2 Elevators

Draft environment

36 Custom Textures

Scattered and gradual
Both come from broken and scattered pasts but even those difficult moments were a part of a gradual movement into history defining moments. It's when the scattered pieces come together to make a unique something that you can get a radical generation shaper...

Speed and Rotational
They both travel at their own speed, but almost always ahead of the majority, pioneering something new for our generation.

Pioneers in their own fields, they learn how to gather the generations into a movement that gains mometum with the more rotations.

Scalar and Linear

Their success is not based on one linear perfect line that travels at a 45 degree angle but of many linear lines that form a crooked but uniquely beautiful shape that draws our society.

Power settled with humilty and influences used for the good of others developes their character and concretes their personalities like the defining lines and patches in a scalar movement of lines.