Friday, 17 June 2011

Mash up | 3 Articles

The host is Oprah Winfrey, and she has been making that difference for millions of viewers. (GAGA)An artist's job is to take a snapshot — be it through words or sound, lyrics or song — that explains what it's like to be alive at that time. Lady Gaga's art captures the period we're in right now. Winfrey's power is that she tells her own. Winfrey saw television's power to blend public and private; (gaga) she is inspiring other artists to go further in their own work. (Ive) Being superficially different is the goal of so many of the products we see . . . rather than trying to innovate and genuinely taking the time, investing the resources and caring enough to try and make something better.

I have chosen to design for Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga.

I find that both women are very influencial in their own field. Both are similar in many ways but at the same time so different. For both Oprah and Lady Gaga I have implemented a delicate yet strong structure that represents the nature of their influence and being. Transparency and boldness are my main concepts for this task; this is because I feel that Oprah gained power and influence by being that friend who understands through revealing who is was on national and soon global talk show and likewise with Lady Gaga. Her influence and power comes from her being who she was called to be, "living out her (my) destiny".

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